Monday 14 October 2013


The above shows my brief research into horror typefaces. I looked at current film typefaces, Saul Bass's font 'Hitchcock' and some typical horror themed fonts from

The above shows an activity we did in class. We were given the list below and had to go onto and pick a suitable font, size and colour to suit the saying.
  • The good, the bad and the ugly
  • Beware wet paint
  • Knock, knock? Who's there?
  • Class in a glass
  • Retro fashion
  • Shock of the new
  • Long live the king
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • That's wicked
  • Mind the gap

The above is my research into finding a suitable typeface for my chosen film title; Cloverfield. Cloverfield is a horror film but it involves the military so thats why I have decided to pick something in that style. 

The above are 2 experimentations. I printed off a few type fonts of my movie title. I then scanned them whilst moving them about to create a manual warp effect. The above are my outcomes. I am happy with them but I don't think they are suitable for my film.

Here are a few of my quick drawings and hand experimentations for my type font title; Cloverfield.

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